Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10

I jogged a bit over a mile today. It was this time last year that I was struggling toward my goal of 5 miles by my February birthday. I haven't jogged in weeks, so was very very pleased that it was a snap to do it. I want to get back up to 3 miles. Five takes a lot of TIME in a day!!

I'm down 12 pounds. That is, a couple of days ago. I have gone freak out for the last 2 days. Funny, because I had a dream that I was an anorexic. The next day I wanted to eat all day! I was worried that I gained over Thanksgiving, but I did NOT. That was awesome. I started taking an antioxidant, Protandim, and maybe that has helped.

I had not eaten sugar for weeks, my goal was to stay off just for the heck of it, except for Thanksgiving, through Christmas. Alas, sugar is indeed a habit! I should have left it alone at Thanksgiving! That chocolate beacons me.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Nov. 18

I'm down 10! uh huh! uh huh!
Curtis is down 3.5. I'm so happy for him! He is very tickled with this new regime, says he feels sooo good and it's something he can maintain. He came to bed last night in a guilty mood. "I ate 2 olives." I said, "Well, that is less than come home, having a snack before dinner, eating dinner, having dessert, and a snack before bed." He can loose really fast and I'm betting he will indeed be down 20 before Christmas. He'll be in Tennessee for 5 days the first week of December, other than that he'll be home, ie, less meals out and fabulous restaurants that are paid for by his work that beg to have 3-5 items off the menu tried.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Nov. 16

It seems that I have inspired Curtis. After seeing me not eat dinner at Fresh Choice, he's decided to try it--to not eat after 5:00 or before. The first day he didn't eat after lunch, silly man, really believe "no pain no loss!"
Since then he's been reasonable.
Last week he called me from the road and said he was suffering from acid reflux and that he would go to the doctor about it when he got back. I suggested at the time that he not eat such big dinners. This morning he told me "I cured him" because he's had no more startling nights of reflux. heh heh. He weighed this morning, and while he hadn't weighed at his top, he was down 1 from our start, and that has to mean he'd dropped 3-5 pounds in about 5 days. He does that. pout. Not only am I not eating late, but I"m not eating sugar. And I'm poking along way slower than I'd prefer!!!
Anyway, I'm really really really glad he's back in the game.
Josh's life as he knew it will never be the same. Football is over. Today he has his first day of getting out of school at 2:00. He doesn't have a 6th period. So he's taking the train home and it stops 2 miles from our house. I suggested to him that he plan to walk home, or even jog, for his exercise, but I'd pick him up at the station if it were raining or he was tired or whatever. I hope he can continue to loose, or at least maintain. Beautiful man child.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov. 12

I am so proud of Griffy! He knocked this flu out in 4 days!!
I coached him to not "fight" it, but to feel it. To picture the little germs in his body and picture the antibodies dancing with them and escorting them right out of his body. He said he had a dream of just that, he described it to me in vivid detail. Sweet boy!

And I'm down another pound, yessss, one more and I'll be at 10, the lovely 10. Not that it can be seen yet, but I sure can feel it in my pants!!! 10 more after that and I'll be able to wear these jeans that I bought and have never been able to wear...

We went to a movie and dinner last night, Fresh Choice, and I did not eat but REALLY enjoyed the company of my boys/man. It was late. I did, however, have my first chocolate attack in weeeeeeks. I managed through all of Halloween with a huge bowl of candy bars on the table for a week after and didn't eat one piece. But we have these See's chocolate bars that we are selling for a fund raiser...I took a nap to ease cramps and woke up....c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e. Yup. They were too sweet. But I crunched down 2 and a half anyway.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Nov 8

Griff has the flu. 103.1 fever. How exciting. How will the week play out?
I went for a walk today, enjoyed the sun, the fresh air, my wonderful fabulous amazingly awesome sunny day in November in San Francisco. mmm! It was not a brisk walk, it was a love walk. Enjoyed it so very much. And amazing, I swear to god my thoughts are lighter coming back---downhill--than going up. It's a slight grade, you don't even really notice you are going uphill, until you turn around. Then all my problems are suddenly solved and the whole world is lighter.
I feel SOO GOOD when I don't eat so much. Astounding.

Saturday, November 7, 2009


So to celebrate I ate late last night.
Remembered one reason I love to NOT eat after 5:00...
The big thug in my stomach when I wake up next day.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Nov 6

Ha ha!
I'm down 8!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Nov 5

So here's the plan.
Stay away from sugar, except for thanksgiving day and christmas day, just for a change of pace.
Have most food eaten by 3:00, or 5 at the latest.
Little picks at food that I prepare after that or when at other places for dinner.
Work out when I can, as often as I can.
And most of all, focus on what I want.
What I want. Not what I don't like.
"Wouldn't it be nice if...."
ie, stay in the positive, and not just about food and body, but about everything.
It's astounding how quickly I get into the pic pics. pick on myself mostly.

It is a kick not eating sugar. I've been doing it for a couple of weeks now. I don't get the intense cravings, tho especially when at grocery stores I think about how nice it would be to chew on a snickers. I made 6 dozen choc chip cookies today and I did stick my finger in the dough, and I did have a bite out of a couple of cookies--to determine if I liked the recipe. So I'm not freaking about this, like muffins have a lot of sugar and I'm eating them. Mostly just wanting to shake things up, get a new relationship with foods.

We were at a pot luck tonight, my favorite football parents all in one room, it was a BLAST. Huge piles of really good food, 3 kinds of amazing salad. Did not. I had one bite of curtis' sausage and a half glass of wine. mmmm! Most of all it is interesting to feel how it feels inside. Empty, but not needful. It's good. I will be hungry for Breakfast!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Nov 4

Ah, this is my favorite time of year. There is nothing quite as awesome as San Francisco November warm days. Yup, November inspires me. It was last November that I started jogging/walking again. So time to ramp up again.

Griff is done with football so I have my walking partner back. We went Monday to the Marina, and I do so enjoy his happy chatter. We'll all weigh in this weekend, but I think Josh is down 25; Griff may be up, it was just halloween; I'm down 6; Curtis is also up. His job is really challenging him because it is so centered on food. I fear he comes home, eats a snack, eats dinner, than a snack later in the evening...

Josh is done with football week after next. He'll be getting home sooner and I can close the kitchen earlier. Maybe 7...just an hour later, but 7 sounds so much better than 8!

So. Deep breath. Sometimes these thing take time. Lap 2.

BTW, Lia commented that I wasn't writing anymore, thank you for that encouragement "I'm baaack." I didn't know anyone was reading...

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sept 24

Griff went to football...and I grieve the loss of my walking buddy. I did the Crocker Park trail, hustled, even jogged half mile on the way back. Pout. Does not hold the joy. Have to rediscover working out alone! silly me.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Sept 23

I don't know if its the thyroid pill or what, but I have the most incredible sense of well being and energy. Dr. said if I feel jacked up I may be taking too much. I can't quite tell if I feel jacked up or if this is how one is suppose to feel all the time. I'm thinking to drop the coffee, that maybe it's an edge I don't need anymore?

Griff and I walked the marina across from Josh's school on Monday. It wasn't much like exercise for me, but sometimes it's just about being with Griff and having him enjoy the outdoors. He hopped onto the wall that's between the sidewalk and the bay. So of course I had to walk slower, but he was really enjoying it. Then he decided to walk on the "beach" on the rocks, which slowed down my walk even further, but it was very entertaining. On his side of the wall were these bigass jumping bugs. They freaking looked like cockroaches. They may have been, but I thought cockroaches liked dark places and these were just on the wall. Gross.

Yesterday we did the Crocker Trail. He was really pissed off that I insisted we walk as he'd just gotten a new game and certainly didn't want to stop playing. We got all the way to the top, the halfway point, and he decided to work his upper body--breaking the pompous grass spears and thrashing the anise plants with it. Like I said, part of the point is to see him having fun outdoors, so I just circled back when I could no longer see him and got a NICE long walk in. He discovered that the anise stalks were actually stronger than the pompous grass so reversed the plant torture. It's a long trail and there is lots of both plants so it was really an okay activity. Was bummed that I had to tell him to hustle, I had to pick up Josh and we were still 15 minutes from the car. He was then reluctant and disappointed that I was interrupting his newfound fun. hee hee. Love to see him outdoors. Before he discovered the thrashing, he was enjoying the blackberries again. And I got a very good 75 minute walk!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

September 20 weigh in

We are progressing!!

Josh: down 21
Dea: down 5.5
Griff: down 4
Curtis: even

that's 29.5 pounds in 8 weeks. 2 months.

Did 3 walks with Griff this week and two nighttime strolls.
The first walk we did the Crocker park trail, and Griff discovered the joy of September---Blackberry season!!! We stuffed our faces, then he did the boy thing and squeezed berries for the joy of seeing the dark red juice run menacingly down his hand. And then enjoy the sticky walk back. The best berries are the far side of the hill, and mid week is the best time for them because less people are on the trail.
We did the same walk the next day with Lee. I thought they'd really get into the berries, but it was less.
Yesterday, once again with Lee, we walked on the Marina. Saw my beloved egret and a blue heron. The blue heron took off, and there is just nothing quite like the take-off of one of those big birds. It's inspirational. The Marina walk offers the joy of those birds; the Crocker park has my hummingbirds. I recognize their little chirp and strain my neck looking for the tiny guys.

Two evenings that I did not get a good walk I did enjoy Brisbane in September, when the wind is still, the weather is warm, the stars are as bright as it gets around here. I just walk down to the park and go around a couple times, maybe a mile, mostly to just breath in the mysterious night air and let my mind go, relax into empty space. It is good.

Actually, the big news of the week is that Griff is starting football camp. Once again, Dee is rallying Brisbane youth to a fab program by Boys and Girls Club in South City. The leagues have a weight limit which Griff and a few others exceed. So this camp teaches them the basics of football so when they go into the summer high school training programs, they have the basics down--literally, how to put on pads, etc. I had a long chat with the director and I was VERY impressed and I will be VERY curious to see how Griff does with this. They try to set the kids up prepared for the rigorous disciplined high school programs. Will he be willing to withstand the discomfort that accompanies football??
Whatever the case, it will be three days of practice for him. Three days of my doing workouts without him. Funny, I've gotten use to his company and I do not relish the idea of alone again!

Friday, September 11, 2009

September 10

It's back to school nights this week...very inconvenient, tho I'm really glad I went to both.
But missed working out. Last night Griff promised to walk with me when I got back, this time of year the evenings are beautiful, warm, still, stars bright when the moon's not yet out. Alas, he didn't get his homework done and homework trumps. We...discussed it....because I waited all day to do my walk with him, tho I wanted to do it earlier.
It's such a frustrating thing, I'd love to walk in the mornings. But am I ready to do 2 workouts? I mean, my body could handle it because my walks aren't that intense. But the TIME. Damn.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 8

Griff wanted to walk yesterday, unusual usually lately he's been wanting to go to the gym. But there is no answers to my queries. I remember why I like summer so much better than school year. Griff is very VERY moody during the school year because of having to juggle what he wants to do and what he has to do. I believe exercising together is going to seriously help, however. As we walked I jabbered when I felt like it and finally we hit on a topic he liked and the stoic mute left and my chatty sweet boy returned. When he is in those moods I can ask him anything. So I'll have to keep that in mind and use it.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sept. 6 weigh in

With Curtis and I gone for 5 days and all the prep, all but Josh have been a bit on a standstill.
So we'll compare from the start.
In six weeks we are down:

Griff 3
Dea 3
Curtis 2.5
Josh 18

Yup. Josh is down 18 pounds in 6 weeks. That's 3 pounds a week. Vigorous exercise certainly is the cause.

I took Griff and Lee on a walk on Saturday. It was a foolhardy walk. one I've been wanting to take for a long time. curtis drove us to the top of San Bruno Mountain and dropped us off. We walked the ridge trail across to Brisbane and down the service trail that drops behind Lipman school. No big deal. I figured it would be about a 1.5 hour walk and I was accurate. However, it was completely fogged in. We could only see 50 feet ahead of us. We set out with Curtis reluctant to leave use. About 5 minutes down the trail I thought I should check the exact time so I could track our progress. My phone was dead. No phone, no clock. I was actually a bit freaked out, but Curtis wouldn't be up at the parking lot anymore, so we may as well keep going. I tried not to think about the worst case scenarios---one of us falling on the loose graveled road that was very steep in some place, up and down, and spraining an ankle; meeting one of the coyotes that has been recently spotted on the mountain or a mountain lion that is very rarely seen; or simply an assortment of crazies that may be out on a foggy day.
Our hair was drenched within 15 minutes, the fog was so thick. At about 20 minutes I heard the most beautiful sound I've ever heard in my life--my cell phone rang. It's anew phone and I'd forgotten how to unlock it. Curtis was calling to check in on us.
The rest of the trip didn't feel nearly so scary. I was just a tad nervous about finding the service road that would take us to Brisbane. Before we got started I thought there would be lots of roads going down and it would be a matter of choosing which one. But we didn't see one at all until about 40 minutes. I debated it for a while but really thought it would be closer to a one hour walk before we saw the road so we kept going. Sure enough, at 55 minutes there was a graveled service road just as I had thought. Within 10 minutes going down the clouds parted enough for us to see the town. Tho it was a short distance down it took a full half hour to come down because it was so steep. The service road was heavily graveled which made it very slippery to maneuver. Griff landed on his butt twice; I thought I was going to a couple of times. About half way down Lee discovered a path along side the road that was well packed and it made it much much much easier to go down.
I had NO idea how many muscles are in your ankles!!! Shins, ankles, feet scream sore in the last 2 days!!!
I look forward to doing this walk again with Griff and Lee on a sunny day. It will be a kick to see all this stuff with a VIEW. At one point I knew we were close because the of the evidence of the fire on the mountain 2 summers ago. I knew it did not pass to the other side of Brisbane, and I was accurate.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

August 27

This has been a very big week, with Griff's school starting, Curtis gone 3 days, and his sister passing away on Tuesday. We have not made it out to exercise. But I did sign up with Weight Watchers online again and I've been counting points. For a lark I stepped on the scale this morning and I was down another 1.5 pounds. So curtis stepped on, and he's down some 4 pounds. And Griff was actually up a bit and came back down. So this week of not working out maybe was a good thing. I want to talk to the boys a bit out the points before we leave for the funeral in South Carolina on Saturday. They will be by themselves for 5 days under the care of friends. Usually I bought them frozen breakfasts, but this time they will just have cereal. The frozen biscuits with sausage and egg or the breakfast burritos are so very very full of calories. I think they'll have a good chance of being down more pounds next week even without the workouts. Tho Josh will still have his.
I talked with my doctor this morning, annual check up, and she was saying that this very morning is an article in the paper about more success with eating less than exercise. She also cited her experience with women who have gastric bypass who would loose mass amounts of weight from eating so much less, and not exercising at all.
Still, exercising is for my head and my head rules my body, so I will continue this path. It is indeed a good thing. Good habit for Griff and Josh.
Josh will be done with football come November, and he will benefit from going to the gym with Griff and I.
So all is well tho I don't know how much I'll write in the next week. Dr. also thought it was cool because "maybe it can become a book." :-)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

August 23, weight in

Well, we must have needed another day! This week was a wash. Kind of surprising to me, but I guess that is the way it goes. We all stayed still. Hey, that's better than backwards.
Yesterday I took the kids to Great America, the final summer hurrah. I guess the food yesterday was pretty trashed. I did bring quite a few good snacks that we all ate---even apples.
This next week is sure to show more. I think Josh and Griff's faces are looking thinner this week, even compared to last.

Friday, August 21, 2009

August 21

Griff and I did 20 minutes on the treadmill and 30 on the bikes.

I don't know why but my heart rate seemed to be easily high yesterday. Is that a sign of being more fit? Of being too warm? I did wear a longer sleeved shirt...Or what?

The workout we did Tuesday was good and hard, I did the leg press--my legs were sore the next day--and the workout yesterday seemed easier than usual. I was able to run faster for longer. And the bike usually is an effort to get my heart rate up was simpler. Maybe I'm getting stronger?

I made a terrible dinner last night. Curtis wasn't home so I thought I'd do something I've been thinking about, and made a vegetarian meal. The boys wanted burritos, so I used the ww tortillas. These particular torillas, however, do indeed taste like sawdust. Curtis complains of many things tasting like sawdust that does NOT to me, but these actually do to even me. Then I put refried vegetarian beans and a tiny bit of cheese. They were dry and boring. Would have been bearable with good salsa and guacamole, I suppose! I made Griffy promise to me never let me make those again!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

August 20

Griff worked out with Curtis at the gym yesterday. They did half hour of xtrainer, half hour of weights and 20 minutes on the bike.

I went for a half hour walk...very busy work day.

Tuesday we worked out at the together, very similar workout, Griff seems to be leading out in the machines of choice.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

August 18

Yesterday was day off for walking.

I did a quick 20 minute anyway while waiting for my car to be smogged.

Josh's first day of school.


Griff had a friend over so I fixed them their ramen noodles that they asked for along with grilled turkey and cheese. It is such a good trick, it takes such a tiny bit of butter to make it crispy and you can use less cheese in grilled cuz it melts. Also gave them bell pepper slices and carrot sticks.


-My mac an cheese, which is any-kind-of-noodle tossed with just enough butter so it's not sticky, a bit of grated cheese, and sour cream with a dash of salt. The kids LOVE it and it's real food with minimal damage.

-My chicken nuggets, which is bite-sized chicken breast sauteed in garlic, salt and pepper. I didn't even add oil.

-steamed broccoli

-I have this thing about serving a legume at most any meal. The dark brown chili beans looked so pretty on the plate with the cream-colored noodles and green broccoli.

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17, weigh in

We are down 20.5 pounds!!

Curtis down 1

Dea down 1.5

Josh down 6.5

Griff down 1.5

Josh finally showed the significant weight loss jump I expected from his training. He's down 11.5 pounds, which is almost exactly what I predicted. His Doctor said he was up 12 pounds from last year, so there you go.

Both Griff and I were soooo not in the mood to walk yesterday...but we managed a brisk 45 minute walk by the marina. It was warm but windy, actually pretty nice.


turkey sandwiches


red bell pepper, ww sweet onions, asparagus sauteed with turkey sausages and rice. It was sooo pretty, even Josh "ohhh-ed".

Sunday, August 16, 2009

August 15, re: energy

When I started jogging last November, three wonderful results showed up.

1st, the lower back pain I was experiencing cleared up fairly quickly, by month 2. In the first few weeks of jogging each run was an exercise in focus. Pain was everywhere. My training for the marathon as well as working out with a personal trainer for 1+ years taught me what kind of pain needs to be pushed through and which were indications of injury. So I jogged and focused on the pain, breathed into whereever it showed up. That is to say, I'd visualize my breath going to that area. And relax rather than tighten into that area. Most of the time by doing this the area would at least soften in it's intensity, if not disappear altogether. Then another body part would start to radiate and I'd have a new place to focus.

2nd, and it actually took much longer, my feet pain disappeared. Plantar fascists seemed to be the culprit. I had looked it up to make sure that running would not make it worse. It was a fabulous experience feeling that pain disappear 10 minutes into the run.....even tho it would reappear.

3rd, and this is really the point of my writing right now, my energy level increased. Oh yes, I love that one. Before, by 8:00 I'd be down for the night. Done, finished. I have to say there isn't anything quite so thrilling for a workaholic to be happily puttering around the house at 10 p.m., full of vim and vigor.

Oddly enough, I do not have that experience anymore. I mean, I'm awake enough, but I'm not physically energized.

Why is this? Is it mental or physical?

This is what I mean. Last winter I had very little work and very little activity. Life was very simple.

Since then, not only has the work piled in, but I've taken on my new "hobby" of illustration. So by evening I'm really craving to sit and work on my artwork. So is it mentally that I don't want to boogie around the house still because I'd rather be sitting at my computer or artboards? Or is something else pulling my energy down, because I do literally feel less energetic than I would like.

I want to experiment with this.

August 15

Griff wanted a friend over yesterday afternoon, and I said that would be fine but he'd need to come with us on our walk. We'd be doing our "deer" walk, as we refer to the North end of Sawyer Camp Trail since we saw 4 deer last time. Sweet boy opted to have the friend come over AFTER our walk. He wanted to be with just me. It was a warm day, I thought we might get quite hot, but after the first half-mile the trail goes into intense woods where it's almost all shaded at 4 in the afternoon. It was very pleasant. Time went fast. We saw two bunnies, one right on the trail just 10 feet from us. Sooo cute. And a little 1.5" lizard held real still for us to gawk at.

It was the last day of Josh's football camp, and he made a point to add the word "ever" when I picked him up. Last day ever. He's made it clear that football was a high school experience and he would not be continuing it. So this year will be all about "lasts." bittersweet.

I went to Costco and thought I'd see what kind of chocolaty-vitamin thingy they had...looking for healthy substitutes for my mid afternoon sweets craving. I got a bag of calcium chews, actually very good. The boys were very interested and I said they are vitamins and they are welcome to one a day.

Also got this FullBar thingy which is a rip off. Should have read the ingredients. Suppose to eat it half hour before a meal with a glass of water. I't just puffed wheat, sweetners and chocolate. Very expensive puffed wheat. They taste okay, but satisfaction value, pretty low. The foodbar that really does it for me is the tiger bar. It's wickedly chocolaty.

I just signed up with weight watchers online again because I love it's points system and it's points tracker. Damn, I just looked up the Tiger's Milk bar and it is 5 points! (I get 27 points a day) and a Butterfinger is 6 points! Heck, may as well have a butterfinger. Just kidding, the Tiger's milk actually has food value. So I get to look around for MY most satisfying and lowest points foodbar.


-marinated pork loin chunks all morning in the mango teriyaki

strung on sticks with big pieces of the walla walla sweet onions

and barbequed

-wrapped green beans and baby carrots in foil and grilled them, too

-steamed rice


Sandwiches of turkey, lettuce, tomato and fresh mozzarella

Okay, we went to the movies and had popcorn and sodas

Saturday, August 15, 2009

August 14

Griff and Justin swam for 3 hours again. I enjoyed reading on the bike the other day so thought I'd try it again. This time I watched my heart-rate to make sure I was pushing hard enough. While I am not sore today, it did take a lot more breath to induce a 120 bpm than the treadmill--I was sweating up a storm. It needs to be a compelling story I'm reading to make it worth it! I'm sure I'd get use to it...but my feet fell asleep after a half-hour. I took a minute break and recomposed then went another 15. That was on the recumbent bike, thought I'd try the regular. oh gwad, I couldn't even make it through 15 minutes, my ars was killing me already.


Josh only had one practice yesterday and Griff was at Labrados. I made Josh and I country potatoes with onions, spinach and prosciutto.


Wanted to celebrate Friday with pizza, so got chicken thin crust pizzas from the freezer section of Safeway. I got a Louie Salad for me.

Friday, August 14, 2009

August 13

Griff and I had a fabulous workout at PrimeTime: half hour on the treadmill and half hour on weight machines. I jogged 3.5 mph for 10 minutes. That is bookin for me. I found my legs to be tight 10 minutes into the half-hour and remembered one time discovering that if I go too slow I actually have a harder time loosening up. So I did some 4 mph sprints and settled in. Of course Griff is WALKING beside me at 4 mph with some hill ta-boot.

I showed him how to use the LifeCircuit machines, which are the simplest because you don't have to set your weight, it does it for you. I showed him how to keep his body square with the machine, told him form was the most important thing in weights because it helps you 1) maximize your workout and 2)keep from injuring yourself. I showed him how to decrease the weight if the machine set it too heavy. At one point he was struggling and twisting body and face around to lift and I repeated, Form is everything. Drop the weight until you can do it in perfect form. "But I did the last set at this weight."

"You need to set your weights so you can do all three sets at that weight. Otherwise, it's too heavy, and the amount of weight is not what matters--FORM matters."

At which point he looked at me suspiciously and said, "how do YOU know all this stuff??"

"I worked out 2x/week with a personal trainer for almost 2 years," he seemed surprised to hear from me.

I worked out with Deanna Jones about 10+ years ago, a good friend and lovely woman. She taught me a lot about listening to body and exercise, how to hold the bars so you don't get injured, and she was a freak about going into and out of a machine or weight slowly and deliberately. She said actually more injuries happen from carelessly twisting while coming out of a weight set.

She had me up to 13 miles jogging. I was about 40 pounds lighter then. She taught me to "shuffle," what she called it, and it was her belief that the slow jog is really good for your holistic system, that the pumping motion helps your digestive and lymphatic systems et al. She's not a scientist, I have no idea where she got these ideas. All I know is that I feel more stress from fast walking that slow jogging.

Sadly, Curtis' day was too busy and he didn't get to do his hour. He did walk to Kinkos and back, he said.


tuna salad sandwiches

nuts and apples


Spaghetti and cru d te

can't find that on google, have no idea if I spelled it right.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 12

Curtis described to Josh and I yesterday his experience of being on the treadmill next to Griffy when he did his 20 minute sprint. We were ROFL. Curtis chugging along at his 4mph walking pace and Griffy all spry trotting out at 5 mph. He also said that after doing 1/2 hour on the treadmill and 1/2 hour on the cross trainer that they did an additional 15 minutes on bikes!! Curtis must be feeling challenged! so cute. Griff did say he was a bit sore yesterday--which means he did work it on that jog!

Yesterday I finked out and only walked 1/2 hour with Griff. It was windy and I wasn't in the mood to be yanked around. But we had a good walk with good conversation.

I am...surprised and pleased at how this experiment is bringing our family closer. We have a common goal and we're exercising together and this causes conversation and golly it's actually magical.

I mentioned to Griff yesterday that he was welcome to bring home his friends after school, however they will need to work out with him/us. That I have to pick up Josh at 7:00 so we'd be leaving the house to go the the gym at 5:30. He said, "we are going to be doing this even after school starts?"

I said, "yes, we have 200 pounds to loose as a family." He seemed...unspokenly pleased.

I do miss roaming the mountains by myself. I miss my nature time. Even when I go with Griff there is the distraction of another person.

Went with Dee to watch a late showing of "Julie & Julia" last night....totally inspiring.


biscuits and gravy!

okay, it was more like beef stroganoff over biscuits.

home made whole wheat biscuits

served with peas and salad

sealed with our favorite 100 calorie fudge bar


build your own soft tacos

I forgot to grate the cheese--no one even noticed there was no cheese on the table!

beef chili beans; diced tomatoes and walla walla sweet onions; romaine lettuce; guacamole (smooshed avocados seasoned only with salt and lime).

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

August 11

I worked in-house at the clients yesterday. Curtis took Griff to PrimeTime. Griff proudly told me later that he jogged on the treadmill for 20 minutes--at 5 miles an hour! I'm thinking to require him to take a sport in high school...and maybe that will be track?

Justin and Griff were talking about Josh's football camp schedule and Justin declared he would NEVER take football and asked Griff if he would. "I don't know," was his reply. That is a good sign. Griff is actually very athletic. He would excel at any sport he put his mind to, if he would.

Josh did moan on the way to practice yesterday morning, "I like football, but this is a bit much." Well, today is Wednesday, the torture is almost over. I told him I was very proud of his commitment...I was remembering last year when his team lost the homecoming game because of a bad call of the ref in the last few seconds of the game. I was not prepared to see 6 foot tall men-childs crying, but they did. And now that I think of the hard work they put into it, well, I guess even NFL stars cry sometimes.

I did the hour Crocker Park loop in the evening. Jogged for about 10 minutes. I'm not loving that it's most convenient to exercise in the evenings. I'd rather in the morning. but I also want to make sure Griff gets his time I'm willing.


Everything is more exciting off the grill:

Popped the turkey sausages on whole.

Wrapped up a walla walla sweet onion and slow cooked it.

Corn on the cob

Accompanied by mashed potatoes (from the box this time...last minute...)

and a good canned bean medley that I've discovered, 4 kinds of legumes & salt.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 10

Griff and Justin swam for 3+ hours at the gym again today. I rode the recumbent stationary bike and read a book. I actually felt more worked than I thought I would. The worst part was the sore butt. Still, I thought I was kind of copping out but this book had gripped me and I figured I'd be better off moving while reading. Maybe I'll go get the Twilight book afterall...2 hours a day on the bike?

The health club we belong to is a private club and in each of the respective locker rooms there is a spa with jacuzzi, steam room and sauna. Clothing optional. Griff had warned Justin the first time he came with us of this atrocity--nekked men--and they vowed to NOT enjoy the jacuzzi. They are, afterall, 13 and 14 years old. But yesterday they sucked it up and did enjoy the jacuzzi. They only stayed in 10 minutes, they said, the water was plenty hot. I was quietly amused.

Laura, Justin's mom, was having surgery again this evening. More complications from her breast cancer surgery a year ago last spring. He needed to be with us for the distraction, and as soon as we got home, his brother Jimmy came over. I made them dinner. I was a little shy on entree, so I plumped dinner with sides. Sounds a little weird together, but the flavors actually worked well.


chicken salad sandwiches made from the left-over fajita chicken--yum!




chicken broccoli stir fry

steamed rice

canned collard greens, southern style (smoky flavor)

chili beans

Sunday, August 9, 2009

August 9, weigh in

As a family we are down 10 pounds!!!

This week:

Griff: down 2.5

Dea: down 2

Josh: down 1.5

Curtis: down .5 from start

I'm down 2! I'm so freaking happy! I've worked my tail off for 2 weeks and I was feeling pissy about it not being enough. Having dinner so late is really tough. tho I've been making them lighter, and I do think that helps.

Friday Josh had a bad case of the runs so did not go to football practice. I remember the first time my body did bad things. He was embarrassed and a bit horrified. Called me in, sweat running down his face, he was shaky and weak he said. Poor love.

Steve said if it went through him in the same day, it was heat exhaustion and dehydration (he played sports in school, too). if it hung on for a couple of days, then it was food poisoning. It was pretty much through his system by mid afternoon. He guzzled gatorade and ate the bland food they say to eat.

Curtis came home that day, too. Griff he and I did the Crocker Park Trail walk, that is the name of the trail that goes around the business park in our city. It starts a half-mile from our front door. We did 3 miles. Curtis was laboring for the first 20 minutes. It worried me...but he did loosen up, was breathing easier and started talking and laughing. It is a slight grade uphill on the way over, as it was made on top of the old railroad tracks. You don't really realize you are walking uphill until you get to the top, turn around, and feel how much easier it is to walk back.

Curtis had a dinner that night and I went with him....the San Mateo Union Council Awards Dinner. CTA had purchased a table, so we were "AIC" guests: Ass in chair.

Josh had football practice yesterday and he did feel well enough to go.


Grilled salmon

pasta tossed with sour cream, salt and pepper

green beans and carrots


chicken fajitas

red and yellow peppers, walla walla sweet onions that curtis found at Costco, broccoli, and chicken.

I know you don't usually cook broccoli with fajitas, but I didn't have any green peppers and it needed the green and my boys like broccoli, so why not?

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7

Griff and Justin came with me to Prime Time yesterday--they swam for 2.5 hours, good for them! I did a weight circuit..oh gwad, I could hardly move. I did a 10 minute warm up on the tread mill and did 3 sets on each one of the machines, plus a couple others, for a solid hour. Yup, if'ns I do that a couple times a week I'll be getting stronger!


Josh's coach told them to not eat turkey for lunch as it makes them sleepy and they would need everything they had for the afternoon's workout.

Steamed Rice

chicken breast cut into bite-sized pieces sauteed with Julienne ham and mango teriyaki sauce

Plating: bed of rice topped with a ring of canned pineapple topped with the terikaki sautee; fresh cooked spinach on the side


copped out and got Chipotle burritos

Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 6

Took Griff and Justin with me to the health club (Prime Time by name) to do weights for 1/2 hour before picking up Josh. Made the mistake of assuming they knew how to do the machines and poor Justin almost got squished. I turned and saw the look of horror on the face of the man next to me as he could see Justin pinned. So I gave them the run down on how to set them up so you don't get killed by LifeTouch. Still I felt nervous that we were going to get kicked out. I think technically kids are not suppose to be in the weight room until they have training by the staff.

Two days of less than 1- hour workout....grrrr... Meanwhile Josh is walking around the house like a robot...stiff and sore.


Popeye Scramble: onions and fresh spinach sauteed with eggs. my favorite


Steamed green beans and baby carrots,

roasted baby potato medly (red, purple and white)

pork loin "steaks" ... beings that I don't know the name of things, I just slice them about an inch thick and sautee them with salt, pepper and garlic.


Grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches


chili beans

August 5

We took Griff's friend, Justin, walking with us on Monday. We did my two favorite short loops on San Bruno Mountain, the Eucalyptus trail and the Bog trail. It was a concise hour hike. What I liked is that Justin is adventurous and did exploring kinds of things with Griff which makes it so much more fun. What made me crazy is that they didn't hustle as much as I'd prefer. I'm still a little nervous about 2 boys being by themselves on the mountain so I tried to not get too far ahead of them. Also a little concerned that Griff isn't getting the cardio he needs, but then, anything is better than not being at the computer.

Yesterday was a full day so squeeezed in a half hour intense walk with Griff around the Crocker park trail. Another thing I missed when Justin walked with us is Griff's chatter. While it's a tad annoying sometimes, it really gives him the opportunity to chat, and he does open up to me and his love exudes. Had to pound on him to get him out of the house, but once we are in the car he is so glad to be out.


Monday after the hike I cut up a pile of vegetables; plated turkey, roast beef and 2 kinds of cheese; toasted 2 kinds of flat bread and cut in wedges; whizzed up some hummus; added blueberries and grapes; served with Whole Wheat low-fat Triskets and rice cakes and a banana, mango, strawberry smoothie. The boys thought they were in heaven. The ultimate fingerfood dinner.

Tuesday Lunch

-Spaghetti with turkey/cheddar hot dogs sliced into the sauce

-fresh cooked spinach (which the boys ohhhhh-ed...I didn't realize they liked it so much...must serve it more often!)

-garbonzos (have served them garbonzos-as-fingerfood since they were little)

-the 100-calorie fudge bars for desert

Tuesday dinner

I went to a lecture, so pre-made the boys turkey sandwiches.

Josh had to take the train home and Dee picked him up at the train station; he didn't get home until 8:15 so he really needed something light.

I skyped Curtis finally. He asked how the boys were doing on their food and exercise. It is great to see everyone engaged in this project. He promised me that his daily activities at this conference he's at involves tons of walking so he felt okay missing out on his workouts. And he said he was ordering salads all the time. It will be curious to see his is a teachable week.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

August 2, weigh in

Curtis left for the week to LA so we weighed in today.

Curtis is down 5.5 pounds

Josh is down 3.5 pounds

Griff and I are the same.

While it doesn't surprise me that I'm not down, it does surprise me that Griff is. I my mind his change is the greatest, having gone from no activity to 1 hour every day; and having daily midnight snacks to nothing after 8. I almost wondering if he is fooling me, just to have more dramatic results next week......He is goofy that way.

I mean, I'm posting our photos and look at the pic he did. :-)

I'm really pleased for Curtis, I hope he will make serious attempts to work out while away. It will be his challenge. Josh will be in football camp for the next 2 weeks--working out 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. He'll drop.

I added one new thing to our list; drink 6-8 cups of water a day.

I am adding one thing for me: 50 crunches every day. My back is feeling stiff, so I need to strengthen some muscles.

I told the boys they could add something if they wanted. I'm really trying to not dictate but hope they make it there own. Whenever I talk about it, Griff gets dead still and listens attentively. I really think he's bluffing about the same weight.... He immediately filled a water bottle when I said the water stuff.

I asked how it was to not eat after 8, which I thought would be a real discomfort for them since they stay up so late, but they both said, no, it was cool. We had a big meal at 5 yesterday and I was starved again by 10, it was an effort for me to NOT make a piece of toast.


Taco salad with home made salsa

Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31

Griff played sports from kindergarten until 5th grade. He was good at everything he tried. Maybe not the best, but certainly a valuable player. Soccer, baseball, mostly, but a bit of basketball and football, too.

It became a sincere hassle in 5th grade to get him to go to practice, so I let him quit. Mistake. Sometimes a parent needs to force the's hard to tell when one should. This is one that I should have. I had no idea. Almost immediately he gained weight. Until about 3rd grade he was a skinny little kid. By 5th he was no longer skinny, but not fat, either. After quitting sports, oh, dear.

So this is a big deal for Griff to be exercising every day.

Another bit...I read an article online yesterday that MSG is found to cause overweight. Startling...about the time Griff quit playing sports is also when he started helping himself to food. I kept the pantry stocked with ramen noodles and cup-a-noodles and they ate them by the case. Packed with MSG. Plumped up my little boys! By now, gratefully, they are really tired of them and rarely eat them. But I have to throw what I do have away! And see if I can find some without MSG.

Yesterday after we dropped Josh off at football practice, we drove over to Sawyer Camp Trail. For me, this week has whipped my ass...I haven't worked out every day for several weeks and I'm TIRED!! So I didn't even want to go yesterday but had to be the thought we'd do a fun walk that wouldn't feel so much like torture.

I thought I had been to this end of the trail. The foot of the trail starts down off 92 and is fairly level, a beautiful walk by the water. But the head of the trail (6 miles apart) is a pitch downhill and I actually feared the walk back! At about .75 miles you actually cross to the other side at the foot of the San Andreas reservoir. From there it's wooded...I'm looking at the map, it looks like nearly half way before you reach the head of Crystal Springs Reservoir.

Anyway, Griff and I throughly enjoyed the walk, the time sped by especially joyfully with the siting of a mother deer and her 2 spotted fawns. When we got back I did feel worked but not whipped. I wonder if he gets a good enough workout walking with me, he could certainly go faster. But I guess out for an hour at a slow pace is better than none. We'll go to the gym, too, where he does push himself.


I was sooooo not in the mood for sandwiches. I tolerate sandwiches; rarely crave them. So I made:

mac and cheese

baked beans

sliced cucumbers and broccoli.



chicken sauteed with onion and broccoli, garlic is my secret ingredient.

Getting home with Josh at 7:00 really makes it hard to have dinner at a reasonable time. It wasn't until 7:40 that we sat down to eat. The boys were very concerned that they'd have enough time for ice cream. Sweet boys. I love it that they are taking this so seriously.

My poor dear husband's flight was very late, I got to the airport about 11:45 to pick him up. As soon as I got off the freeway, the road was stopped with traffic. I got the silly idea to go to international and he could easily walk up and I'd pick him up there because there was no traffic going there.

Only I wasn't sure how to tell him to get to international and he ended up walking the full circle in the opposite direction and he walked for a good 20+ minutes to find me. Poor dear. But he did get his workout afterall!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 30

Josh has football practice 5 days a week for 2-3 hours, so he is getting plenty of exercise. The next 2 weeks are football camp where he'll have 2 practices a day. good grief. Besides that he looses 10 pounds in 2 weeks, it's a logistical nightmare. Most of his mates live right there near the school so it's easy for them to take the 4 hour break between practices. Curtis will be gone all next week so that leaves it to me to do the shuttling. Last year he took the train a lot. Got him passes. It's 3 blocks to the station from the field, a 10 minute train ride, then 2 miles from the station to home. After already working out 6 hours a day, it seems cruel.

Wednesday Curtis flew to LA at 2:00 and I had meetings in the late afternoon, so Josh kindly went to football practice in the morning. Griff went with me at 8:30 to take Josh, then we worked out at Prime Time for an hour. He did the tread mill with me for half hour, I was so impressed, he did it steady, put the incline up to 10, sweat pouring down his face. Then he rode the recumbent stationary bike for the other half hour while I completed my hour.

I had worked up to jogging 5 miles this spring. Put "jogging" in quotes because I do the motion of jogging, but it's very slow, more like trotting. I like the feel of the muscles being used in that motion better than walking...I guess I'm still addicted from the 20+ years ago when i ran the marathon. Summer schedule got me off habit so now I'm working my time back up. This week I've been jogging about 1/2 hour and walking the other. I am pleased at how good it feels, and really pleased that there is no pain. When I started jogging back in November, I had a lot of lower back pain and feet pain. Both are gone now. "feeling strong now."


grilled turkey and cheese sandwiches with banana

a trick I learned from Steve...rather than putting butter or mayo on the inside of a sandwich, even light butter on the outside crunchy grilled tastes really good, treat-like


smoothy: banana, mango, little bit of strawberry, gob of leftover watermelon, tad bit of powedered milk.....refreshing!

bean burritos with sliced tomato and onions and mozzarella


they were on their own, Trader Joes frozen meals; I had meetings.

After lunch the boys decided they would like their "ice cream time" to be after lunch instead of after dinner, which I concurred with them that it was indeed a better time. I made us all cones--which is considerably less ice cream than a bowl.

July 29

Tuesday Griff walked with me at the Marina, he took his scooter. He jabbered constantly, which I do enjoy. It's little boy kid jabber, but I love to see him fresh and open.


roast beef sandwiches and chicken soup (from the roasted chicken)


Grilled turkey burgers and potatoes

After dinner I mentioned to Griff he had a half-hour to eat his ice cream. He said to me, "I'm going to skip it. I'm not hungry." I was surprised and pleased. He is indeed taking this seriously. Around 10 that evening Josh complained loudly that no one told HIM that ice cream was available. But he did not push the issue to have some then.

July 28

We all weighed in, Griffy in particular seems happy about this. He willingly worked out with Curtis at PrimeTime, did a full hour on the machines. He did not argue when I said no food after 8, even better after 7. He seemed pleased to be on a program. Sweet boy.

I did cook more carefully.


eggs and toast with banana, no cheese


make your own pita bread sandwiches, piled the plate with vegies to put in as well as turkey and half slices of cheese. They ate everything. And I made a crisp, just apples and blueberries for the filling; the topping was 3 packets of the apple cinnamon oatmeal, flour and butter crumble, no added sugar. They devoured it. I'll have to make it more often, it's really easy, really healthy, and they love it.


chili rellenos for Curtis. Tiquitos for the boys. Only I stuffed them with rice and beans with just a bit of cheese and chicken. They were reeeeaaalllly good. Then a reasonable pile of ice cream squeeked in before 7:00.

July 27

Today is the first day of one of our great trips. We are loosing weight as a family. I weighed in, and indeed I have put on 5 pounds this summer.

We will start with just two new rules: everyone moves at least one hour six days a week, and the kitchen closes at 8:00 p.m. I know that sounds like a late time for the kitchen to close, but we tend to have a late schedule in the summer. Bedtime is between midnight-2a.m....they are teenage boys afterall. I told them if they are hungry at midnight, it's probably time to go to bed anyway. They have been eating anytime they want, so this represents a significant change.

If they want to do more, they can google weight loss ideas and tips, for them to come up with recipes they'd like to try and things they'd like to do. I want them to own this.

Meanwhile, I'm going to sign up with WeightWatchers online for me again. I will photograph each of us and post the photos and post nearly-daily progress and thoughts.

Yesterday I bought mats for a backyard gym. I did go and stretch last night, it felt good, but I'm so not in the habit of stretching! I think I'll see if I can find some posters to put back there. Posters of stretching and of light weight lifting.

I'm not ready to put in a public place our weights....I'll post them later when we've had some successes.