Thursday, November 12, 2009

Nov. 12

I am so proud of Griffy! He knocked this flu out in 4 days!!
I coached him to not "fight" it, but to feel it. To picture the little germs in his body and picture the antibodies dancing with them and escorting them right out of his body. He said he had a dream of just that, he described it to me in vivid detail. Sweet boy!

And I'm down another pound, yessss, one more and I'll be at 10, the lovely 10. Not that it can be seen yet, but I sure can feel it in my pants!!! 10 more after that and I'll be able to wear these jeans that I bought and have never been able to wear...

We went to a movie and dinner last night, Fresh Choice, and I did not eat but REALLY enjoyed the company of my boys/man. It was late. I did, however, have my first chocolate attack in weeeeeeks. I managed through all of Halloween with a huge bowl of candy bars on the table for a week after and didn't eat one piece. But we have these See's chocolate bars that we are selling for a fund raiser...I took a nap to ease cramps and woke up....c-h-o-c-o-l-a-t-e. Yup. They were too sweet. But I crunched down 2 and a half anyway.

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