Thursday, July 30, 2009

July 27

Today is the first day of one of our great trips. We are loosing weight as a family. I weighed in, and indeed I have put on 5 pounds this summer.

We will start with just two new rules: everyone moves at least one hour six days a week, and the kitchen closes at 8:00 p.m. I know that sounds like a late time for the kitchen to close, but we tend to have a late schedule in the summer. Bedtime is between midnight-2a.m....they are teenage boys afterall. I told them if they are hungry at midnight, it's probably time to go to bed anyway. They have been eating anytime they want, so this represents a significant change.

If they want to do more, they can google weight loss ideas and tips, for them to come up with recipes they'd like to try and things they'd like to do. I want them to own this.

Meanwhile, I'm going to sign up with WeightWatchers online for me again. I will photograph each of us and post the photos and post nearly-daily progress and thoughts.

Yesterday I bought mats for a backyard gym. I did go and stretch last night, it felt good, but I'm so not in the habit of stretching! I think I'll see if I can find some posters to put back there. Posters of stretching and of light weight lifting.

I'm not ready to put in a public place our weights....I'll post them later when we've had some successes.

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