Thursday, August 6, 2009

August 5

We took Griff's friend, Justin, walking with us on Monday. We did my two favorite short loops on San Bruno Mountain, the Eucalyptus trail and the Bog trail. It was a concise hour hike. What I liked is that Justin is adventurous and did exploring kinds of things with Griff which makes it so much more fun. What made me crazy is that they didn't hustle as much as I'd prefer. I'm still a little nervous about 2 boys being by themselves on the mountain so I tried to not get too far ahead of them. Also a little concerned that Griff isn't getting the cardio he needs, but then, anything is better than not being at the computer.

Yesterday was a full day so squeeezed in a half hour intense walk with Griff around the Crocker park trail. Another thing I missed when Justin walked with us is Griff's chatter. While it's a tad annoying sometimes, it really gives him the opportunity to chat, and he does open up to me and his love exudes. Had to pound on him to get him out of the house, but once we are in the car he is so glad to be out.


Monday after the hike I cut up a pile of vegetables; plated turkey, roast beef and 2 kinds of cheese; toasted 2 kinds of flat bread and cut in wedges; whizzed up some hummus; added blueberries and grapes; served with Whole Wheat low-fat Triskets and rice cakes and a banana, mango, strawberry smoothie. The boys thought they were in heaven. The ultimate fingerfood dinner.

Tuesday Lunch

-Spaghetti with turkey/cheddar hot dogs sliced into the sauce

-fresh cooked spinach (which the boys ohhhhh-ed...I didn't realize they liked it so much...must serve it more often!)

-garbonzos (have served them garbonzos-as-fingerfood since they were little)

-the 100-calorie fudge bars for desert

Tuesday dinner

I went to a lecture, so pre-made the boys turkey sandwiches.

Josh had to take the train home and Dee picked him up at the train station; he didn't get home until 8:15 so he really needed something light.

I skyped Curtis finally. He asked how the boys were doing on their food and exercise. It is great to see everyone engaged in this project. He promised me that his daily activities at this conference he's at involves tons of walking so he felt okay missing out on his workouts. And he said he was ordering salads all the time. It will be curious to see his is a teachable week.

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