Saturday, January 30, 2010

January 30

I'm down 15.5 pounds!!!! I am soooo excited!!! It feels real a doable! I'm going to get to the weight I want this year! I have a goal to be down 25 by the end of February. People still don't notice 15, I've way to many too loose, but they will notice 25! I have a pair of pants that I can get on but hurt to wear more than 5 minutes....They will be grand, and the others will need to be sinched up. Here's to baggy pants!! I want them! I am thinking my neck is looking slimmer. I could be imagining. I was able to wear a shirt buttoned this week that I've never been able to button. Oh, I am so excited! I am ready for this experience! uh huh!

Monday, January 11, 2010

January 11

Have walked 3 days in a row. Am disgustingly sore.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

January 9

A new year! I love January. I love beginnings and renewals. It is 40 days between Jan. 1 and Feb. 9, my birthday. 40 days is a significant measure of time in many cultures in history.
Today I slept for 12 hours. It was fabulous after a hectic week. Josh went with me on my favorite walk, The Bog Trail. It is not a long walk--we extended it half way through by diverting to another path--but it speaks to my soul every time. Right now everything is so stark. Suddenly I remembered that in February last year was when I walked this trail and was overwhelmed by the pussywillows. Sure enough. The empty branches showed evidence of small buds.
I love how healthy I feel when I walk. My head is clear, it feels good to be alive.
I did put some pounds on during our vacation but was able to drop it off first week back. So...! Now my goal is to drop 5 more by my birthday!
Here's to a fabulous-- and light -- 2010.