Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 10

I jogged a bit over a mile today. It was this time last year that I was struggling toward my goal of 5 miles by my February birthday. I haven't jogged in weeks, so was very very pleased that it was a snap to do it. I want to get back up to 3 miles. Five takes a lot of TIME in a day!!

I'm down 12 pounds. That is, a couple of days ago. I have gone freak out for the last 2 days. Funny, because I had a dream that I was an anorexic. The next day I wanted to eat all day! I was worried that I gained over Thanksgiving, but I did NOT. That was awesome. I started taking an antioxidant, Protandim, and maybe that has helped.

I had not eaten sugar for weeks, my goal was to stay off just for the heck of it, except for Thanksgiving, through Christmas. Alas, sugar is indeed a habit! I should have left it alone at Thanksgiving! That chocolate beacons me.